Our Latest Activity

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Spirit That Needed Permission To Move On

The Spirit That Needed Permission To Move On

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monika - Our newest addition


"12 year old female spirit"

We purchased Monika on February 15, 2009.

Previous owner had given us background information as follows on our new adoption:

She aquired many dolls from her grandmother. She states, Monika is a loving positive spirit of a 12 year old little girl. An absolute darling spirit, always willing to show you what activity she can do. She had always been active from the time she brought her to live in her home after her grandmother's passing. Monika and the woman we purchased her from were very close.

She had become a close friend and protector over the years, they bonded and she would frequent her dreams, often. Monika would talk to her telepathically, even if they were both in separate rooms of the house.

The previous owner also said, eventhough she was young at age when she passed, she's an intellegent wise old soul. She is a protector and will let you know when something bad is near, so you can avoid the issue. Monika asked her owner to put her up for adoption, eventhough it breaks her heart, she feels she has helped her owner as much as she can and wants to help others as well.

  • Monika has vibrated the host doll...and also levitated it.
  • She will talk to you, especially if she feels a closeness with you.
  • She will move her host doll into different positions and to different rooms where she feels comfortable.
Here is the history of Monika:

Monika's young life came to an end after playing in the road with some friends. She was playing ball, when a car came and didn't see her. She died on the way to the emergency room.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

3rd Haunted Doll HAS Arrived Today!

Our 3rd 'Haunted Doll' has arrived today and we should be in for a treat!
According to the owner she is VERY ACTIVE. She'll appear in dreams, talks telepathically to owner, appears as an apparition, bright light and orb. She also requested to be put up for adoption by here we are....let's see what happens....stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Announcement! New haunted doll arriving VERY SOON!

KPI is proud to announce our newest arrival...Monika. She is a sweet looking dolly. But she comes to us as a 12 year old spirit girl. We can't wait to meet her...stay tuned for the updates.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our ghosties and technology...

The paranormal activity here is daily. Definitely MORE activity since we acquired the "haunted dolls" a month ago. We've performed several EVP sessions and have gotten multiple voices, female and male, they will respond when asked a question 90% of the time. There have been days its been down to 55* on the second floor where the dolls reside. There is no physical explanation for this variance in temperature, especially when it can be stuffy hot up there at before bedtime.

Another strange occurrence I have noticed the clock on our digital thermostat had been changed to a 24 hour military time...that was strange, since you have to take the entire device off the wall and flip a little tiny switch on the back of the unit and then snap the thermostat back on the wall. So we know our children didn't do that!

Until next time! Have a great day...and sleep well!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

WOW, we've been busy here...

We've added only some of the EVPs we have gotten since the dolls have come into our home. We've been so busy with our new cam with answering questions, etc...sorry for not updating as often as we should. We will add more posts shortly about the activity in our home.

There was an investigation here with our team, KP Investigation. Wow that was interesting! Can't wait to update and share it with you all!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is Ghost Hunting becoming kid’s play?

Would you allow your child to go ghost hunting at an early age?We see it more and more every day, young kids are jumping into the paranormal fever that has grabbed a large percentage of the world in the last 5 or so years.Parents do not seem to be at all concerned with their kids going “ghost hunting”. Why not?

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