Our Latest Activity
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We are excited to announce...
Posted by KPI at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: ghost hunters, ghosts, hauntings, live cam, live ghost cam, paranormal investigations, paranormal live cam, real ghost story
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President Obama caught dancing before inauguration
President Obama caught dancing before his inauguration. Very funny. Animation by R ponnie http://www.aniboom.com/boomzones/toonafish
read more | digg story
Posted by KPI at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Day 4: Haunted Dolls Diary 1-10-09
- 7:40 pm - Thumping sounds started from stairway area, our children were in the livingroom watching t.v.
- 10:30 pm - Loud footsteps on 2nd floor hallway and landing at top of steps, I was at the bottom. Checked on children immediately, they were all sleeping in their beds. I was assuming it was one of them going to the bathroom, but obviously wasn't.
- 11:30 pm - Went into bathroom and noticed the centered mirrored door to medicine cabinet over the sink was open, dismissed it as someone may have forgotten to close it.
- 11:48 pm - Heard click noise checked in bathroom - same door on medicine cabinet was opened, it's a magnetic closure and take some strength to open, it would be impossible to open on its own.
Posted by KPI at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: emf meters, evp, ghost hunters, ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, K2 meter, paranormal, paranormal investigations, real ghost story, ustream live ghost cam
Day 3: Haunted Dolls Diary 1-9-09
- A belt that was on a dresser on the 2nd floor fell down the steps as I was sitting in my office at the bottom of the steps, and office temp dropped at the same time.
- around 8:00 pm, A firetruck that was left in the bathroom by our 2 year old son began to play the siren...WITHOUT human interaction.
- Then at 12:23 am: Another toy started to play on its own, a Sesame Street ABC push button toy played "B". Went to investigate why it went off, assuming kids left some other toys on top of it on the shelf, it was sitting on the shelf by itself. As I looked at the toy on the shelf, NOT TOUCHING IT, the toys proceeded to play on its own again, letter "H" this time. This toy has never demostrated this type of behavior before.
Posted by KPI at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: evp, ghost hunters, ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, K2 meter, live ghost cam, paranormal, paranormal investigations, real ghost story, spirits, true ghost stories
Day 2: Haunted Dolls Diary 1-8-09
Day 2 was interesting...but on the quiet side, I guess the new residents were checking out their new home.
10:06 am: Footsteps across entire floor upstairs and many, many thumps and bangs then and throughout the day and night.
Didn't notice anything else was out of the ordinary today.
Posted by KPI at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: ghost hunters, ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, paranormal investigations, real ghost story, spirits, true ghost stories
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Posted by KPI at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thank you so much for your patience.
Posted by KPI at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: live cam, live ghost cam, paranormal, paranormal investigations, paranormal live cam, real ghost story, spirits, ustream live ghost cam
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Haunted Doll: True
- Her eyes turn from brown to a bright orange, very strange yet beautiful unique attribute.
- She will move her host (doll) from one room to another.
- She will move from one position to another.
Previous owner also stated, she's a wonderful spirit and her heart truly goes out to her. Immediately, she felt a strong connection with True.
Her story is hard to read, please be advised...
Here's the tragic story of True's abusive life and sad death:
She had a rough life, and had to deal with things the best way she thought she could. As a young child starting at the age of 2, she was sexually, mentally, and emotionally abused. At the young age of 15, she had enough and left her abusive home for the streets. Living by herself she would find any shelter she could and call it home for a while, she never had one place to call home, just wherever she ended up spending the night. When she was 16 she got into the wrong crowd and eventually started selling her body for drugs and money. She became addicted to her lifestyle and thought she had no way out. A week after her 17th birthday, she met a "JOHN" outside of a sleazy nightclub, who offered her major money to come home with him, of course she agreed. After going to his home, he slipped some pills into her drink, which made her unconscious. When she woke up she was tied to a bed, clothes ripped off of her, and mouth covered. She could not scream for help, and had no idea where she was. The man who took her home with him, would come in and take what he wanted from her, slapped her if she didn't do what he had asked then left her there. This went on for sometime. The man eventually grew tired of True and eventually overdosed her on pain medication.
Posted by KPI at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: ghosts, haunted dolls, live cam, live ghost cam, murder and rape, paranormal, paranormal investigations, real ghost story, runaway teen, spirits, tragic deaths, true ghost stories
Haunted Doll: Chrystal

It has been noted by the previous owner:
- She can be heard walking around, which sounds like high heels when she walks.
- She will close doors and open cabinets.
- Cold spots are felt when she is most active.
- Her eyes will follow you wherever you go and she will move her body into different positions.
- Previous owner stated, she's heard her talking to other spirits, she is very fond of the younger spirit children and loved her pets.
Previous owner also added, she's seen her as a white light, an orb and also a full bodied apparition.
Here's the tragic story behind Chrystal's death:
She was driving home late one night, the roads were slick because of the rain and she lived in a very rural area. She had to take back roads to get home. A bridge that she had to cross was very slick when a dog ran out in front of her causing the things she had on the rear view mirror to wrap around the steering wheel. Chrystal lost control of her car sending her over the bridge. She couldn't get out of the vehicle. The river was high because of rain and the undercurrent swallowed the car fast, causing her to drown.
Posted by KPI at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, live cam, live ghost cam, paranormal, paranormal investigations, paranormal live cam, real ghost story, spirits, tragic deaths, true ghost stories
Posted by KPI at 10:02 PM 0 comments
- Medicine cabinet door in 1st floor bathroom opened on its own...TWICE
- Footsteps in hallway on 2nd floor near doll's room around 10:30 pm...I was in the adjecent bedroom at the time
We'll keep you updated on any other experiences we have...
Posted by KPI at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
We are giving our system a break for a few hours. Uptime approx. 2:00 am or sooner. We will send a notification when live stream resumes.
There are some recordings from last night (click on title above for rss feed to recordings)...
We had some action, camera was swaying side to side and shortly after a childs shadow darted across room.
Thank you for your patience.
KP Investigation
Posted by KPI at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Day 1: Haunted Dolls Live Cam
Haunted Dolls: LIVE....
We will have intermittent downtime to give our bandwidth at home a break, but we will resume a few hours from then.
In order to keep track of downtime schedule, subscribe here, we will note when downtime will occur and approximately what time the cam will be up an running again.
If you notice ANYTHING out of the ordinary please notify us ASAP with the approximate time and what you saw in the chat area on Ustream.
We are recording the live stream as we broadcast -- we will review YOUR findings and give you the credit for finding it too!
Posted by KPI at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: ghost hunters, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, live cam, live ghost cam, paranormal investigations, paranormal live cam, paranormal nepa, ustream live ghost cam
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Haunted Dolls HAVE ARRIVED!
- no remarkable atmosphere change
- no spikes on EMF
- no abnormalities in video shot or still photos
- still reviewing EVP from digital voice recorder
- DID notice footsteps last night on landing at top of steps.
NOTE: Our experiences are nothing out of the ordinary of the everyday occurances with our previous "tenants" or "spirits" that already reside here.
We have managed to setup and stream
Please let us know ASAP if you notice anything abnormal as you are viewing...
Posted by KPI at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital voice recorder, emf meters, evp, ghost hunters, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, K2 meter, live cam, live ghost cam, paranormal, paranormal investigations
Monday, January 5, 2009
Awaitng Arrival Of Our Haunted Dolls
Posted by KPI at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: evp, ghost hunters, ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, paranormal, paranormal investigations, spirits
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Haunted Toys and Dolls
Is it possible an inanimate object is haunted or possessed by a spirit? Stay tuned in a few days you will find out when we begin our probe into the paranormal realm to discover whether toy and/or dolls can become hosts for the spirit world.
We will be documenting daily on this blog....from the moment we have our newly adopted "haunted dolls".
Posted by KPI at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: digital voice recorder, emf meters, evp, ghost hunters, ghosts, haunted, haunted dolls, hauntings, paranormal, paranormal investigations, spirits